Sunday, December 7, 2008

Final Letter

Dear Friend,

For my English class this year we had to read the book The Perks of Being a Wallflower. It’s a short book about the character named Charlie who is writing letters to an anonymous “friend” about his life. Overall the book was kind of interesting, but it wasn’t my favorite book. I liked the way that the book was written from Charlie’s perspective, it showed his personal style of writing and how the reflects on the type of person he is overall. I didn’t like the storyline most of the time. It was kind of mundane and boring. One of my favorite scenes from the book was when Charlie is driving with his friends Patrick and Sam and they are going through a tunnel heading towards downtown and Charlie describes the moment saying, “And in that moment, I swear we were infinite.” I liked this scene because I can picture it vividly in my head and I can feel that same emotion that Charlie was feeling. Another scene that I liked was the scene when Charlie is describing his brother, sister, mom and dad on the way to his family’s house for Christmas. The way Charlie describes his family and their little quirks reminds me of my family and it reminds me that every family is dysfunctional in its own way, but that’s what makes each family unique.
One of the most memorable parts of the book for me was when Charlie went with his sister to the clinic to get an abortion. Charlie goes with his sister after he finds out she’s pregnant and she doesn’t want to tell their parents about it. Charlie is a good character because he doesn’t ask questions or try and pester his sister about it, he just goes with her for support. The best part was after Charlie’s sister got her abortion she comes outside and yells at him for smoking. It was significant because even though Charlie’s sister had just gone through a terrible situation, she was still looking out for her brother and his health. I enjoyed this scene because it reminded me of my brother and I. We both have a lot going on in our lives, and sometimes the only time we get the chance to talk is when we need someone to talk to, but we always look out for each other and always want the best for each other.
Overall I thought this book is one that makes you reflect back on your life, but it’s not a book I would really recommend for you specifically. I know your taste in books is similar to mine, so I don’t think this book would be one that you would really, really enjoy. Plus I don’t think that you would like the ending. In the end, you find out that Charlie was sexually abused by his Aunt Helen and has to be hospitalized due to the trauma he experiences when he realized what he went through as a small boy. Even though Charlie does get help in the end and moves on with his life, it’s just not the way you like to see a character that you’ve related to end up.


Sunday, November 16, 2008

5th Letter

Dear Friend,

Part One
So this coming week is going to be hell for me. As you know, my life could not get any more complicated! I've found a new technique that is helping me get through these final weeks of school though, I thought maybe if I shared it with you, you could use it as well. Lately, when I've been having a terrible week I like to daydream about my plans for the future. As you know, I have a lot coming up next semester that we are both very excited for. So instead of focusing on how awful I am feeling now, I focus on how much better I'm going to feel next semester and how much easier it's going to be because we won't be so far away. And I have the hope that everything will be worked out for the better with this transition, and that's what gets me through these rough weeks.

Part Two
I was also thinking back to all the things we have gone through together these past months, and I realized that we became much closer during a time that could have torn us apart. We both went through tough break ups this year, and I really believe that it brought us closer together. At first we were just there to wipe up the tears and be a shoulder to cry on, but since we were both going through the exact same thing at the exact same time, we were able to share our experiences and help each other a lot. I don't think that I could have made it through this past month without you, you've been my shoulder to cry on and my support system and I could never thank you enough for that. It's unfortunate that such crappy circumstances was what made us even greater best friends, but I don't regret it one bit.

Part Three
After you helped me pick myself back up after the break up, I needed something to throw myself into as a distraction. The only thing I could think of was the treadmill right outside my bedroom door. So I began working out constantly, just for something to do to distract me from thinking. The thing is, I despise running. I hate it with a burning passion, and I swore I wouldn't run anymore after cheerleading ended. However, anything was better than laying in bed and thinking about him, so if my focus was on how much I hated running, it would be a brief break from my other thoughts. It ended up being a really positive thing for me. I got in shape, and I think it helped my healing process in some way, even if it was just a form of distraction.


Wednesday, November 5, 2008

4th Letter

Dear Friend,

Part One
So things are still a bit weird for me right now, and as I am dealing with all of this, I was inspired to create a mix tape for my best friend, who is the most important person in my life right now. So here is what I've got so far:

"I Will Always Join You For A Walk In The Rain"
1. Best Friend - Toy Box
2. Hot n' Cold - Katy Perry
3. All Over You - The Spill Canvas
4. When Your Heart Stops Beating - +44
5. Shake It - Metro Station
6. Fearless - Taylor Swift
7. The Queen and I - Gym Class Heroes
8. Used To - Daughtry
9. Shut Up and Let Me Go - The Ting Tings
10. Don't Trust Me - 3oh!3
11. Best Friend - Toy Box

Now I know you're probably wondering why the first and last song are the same. It's simple, I'm giving this playlist to my best friend, and that song describes our friendship. In fact, all these songs have meaning to me and her in some way, shape or form. It doesn't matter if they're from our past or our present, they will always be songs that remind me of her. And so I hope that this is the type of playlist that she listens to when she's driving in her car alone and these songs remind her how much we've been through in the past, and how much we are still going to go through..together. Because I may not always be able to stop the downpour, but I will always join her for a walk in the rain.

Part Two

- My mom has this look that she gives you when she knows your lying, and it's one of those looks that pierces right through to your soul.
- My dad has the most unique sense of humor, and an irrationally good sense of smell.
- My grandpa is the most logical person I know. No matter what the topic, he always has something intelligent to say, and somehow I always know that he's right.
- My youngest sister always has a sarcastic comment to say about everything. Always.
- My step dad is a lecturer. He still hasn't figured out that everybody stops listening after the first 3 minutes.

Monday, October 27, 2008

3rd Letter

Dear Friend,

Have I ever told you how beautiful frienship is? It would be impossible to describe, but I'll try. Friendship is the one thing in the world that can make you feel like you're not alone. No matter how hard your life is at the time, having a friend who cares about you is sometimes all you need to make it through another day. Friendship is the warm embrace after facing the cold world, and the light at the end of the tunnel that makes you push a little bit harder to get to the end.

So, as you know, I'm going through a lot of changes right now, and it's making me think about life and how some people live their lives and talk about the "glory days". Most of the time when I hear that term I think of a middle aged man going through a mid-life crisis and talking about how great it was when he played high school ball. And more than anything, I do not want to be like that middle aged man. I want all of my days to be my "glory days". I think that basing your life's happiness on a few years in your past is a waste. Every day should be spent as if it was a part of your glory days. And that's why I'm making the life changes that I am right now. Because I want to look back and realize that I did everything in my power to do what makes me happy, and have no regrets about it.

The holidays are coming up. I'm not a big fan of Thanksgiving, but I sure as hell am glad for Thanksgiving break. The holidays are always a weird time for me. As you know, my family is anything but normal, and yet we always try to give off this illusion that we are. I always spend small holidays like Thanksgiving with my mom's side of the family, which means going over to my grandparent's house and dealing with the whole big "to do". Every year we have the same schedule on how we do things at my grandparent's house. We arrive at least 2 hours before the food is even done cooking, because it's rude to show up right before eating, even though my aunt's apparently don't live by these same guidlines. Then we sit around and switch between scanning the newspaper for shopping sales, flipping between the parade and football, and trying to offer help to grammiese, who never wanted help to begin with. And let me tell you, grammiese is one woman who has to have things a very specific way. The dining room table is always immaculate, complete with the fine china and name cards on each plate, even though the seating chart has not changed in well over 4 years. Every person has a wine glass, because it is inappropriate to bring regular glasses to well set dining room table, so my younger sisters are forced to drink soda out of delicate glasses under the eagle eye of my grammiese. And of course, the menu for each holiday meal never changes because grammiese believes in structure. Thanksgiving consists of turkey, green bean casserole, mashed potatoes and rolls. Christmas is pot roast, cranberries, corn, mashed potatoes and rolls. And New Year's Day dinner has honey baked ham, peas, baked potatoes and rolls. Sometimes I wish grammiese would shake it up a little, just to throw the whole family off. Because it's not like we don't throw her for a loop every once in awhile. Whether it be me bringing a new boyfriend along, one, or both of my aunt's showing up, or someone NOT cussing at the dinner table. But I think it's my grandma's desire for structure, appearances and consistancy is what keeps the family together. Yes, we are all a little bit too opinionated and too loud, but in the end, it's my grandma's structure and calm that brings us all together to realize just how lucky we are to have her and each other.


Monday, October 6, 2008

2nd Letter

Dear Friend,
I realized after reading my last letter that I haven't shared with you much about my past or my family and friends. They have both had a large impact on my life, and have helped shaped who I am as a person today, so I feel it is very important to share a few stories about them with you.

As you know, my family isn't exactly what you would call "conventional." My parents got divorced when I was 3 years old, and have both since married my step-dad and step-mom. This also added my two younger sisters and my older step-brother to my expanding family. I was never really affected by my parents divorce because it happened when I was so young, and so I just always thought that this was just the way things were. However, unlike other divorced couples, my parents remained friends, for my sake. As I grew up, I soon realized that this was not a conventional thing. As other children of divorced parents had to deal with arguing over time spent with each parent, and the bitterness, I was going to dinner with both my parents, as well as my grandparents on each side, and having a civilized meal. Although many other kids who's parents were divorced thought that my family was weird for the way that we did things, I learned to really appreciate what my parents had done for me. They put aside their pride, and did the right thing for their daughter, and it ended up working out for everyone involved. I learned that sometimes it's not about your pride or your anger, it's about doing the right thing, and becoming a better person for it.

My friends have also had a huge impact on my life, especially recently. After graduating high school, I still believed that the friends I made would still keep in contact, even though we were all going to different colleges. I soon learned that that was not the case. However, there was one person who was always there for me, my best friend Lindsay. Lindsay and I met through school, and soon bonded over our love for Dane Cook, and our hatred for our cheerleading coach. We became fast friends, but soon experienced some drama, that ended up putting our friendship on hold. For months after, I didn't speak to Lindsay. I had other friends, but none that understood me as much as she did, and to be honest, I really missed her. However, my stubborness got the best of me, and I continued to not speak to her. After months of doing the usual high school bullshit, Lindsay approached me and said that we should talk. We met for coffee, and ended up spending over 4 hours talking. Immediately afterwards, we were back to being friends, and our friendship soon evolved and became a best friendship. Now that we are both going to different colleges, it is hard to keep up with our busy schedules. However, Lindsay and I make time for each other, and we are there when the other one needs support. Lindsay taught me about forgiveness in high school, and also showed me what it means to be a true friend, which is something that I had not experienced in a very long time. I appreciate the friendship that I have with Lindsay every day of my life, and I am so grateful to have her as a best friend.

Infinite: The feeling of being infinite is hard to describe. It's when you're having the best night of your life. The air is crisp and clean, and there's not a cloud in the sky. It's the perfect temperature outside, and you're surrounded by people that you love and care about. Or it could be the nights where you hop in the car with the one you love and just drive. All the windows down, music blaring, and not another car on the road. Speeding under the colored lights of the city, singing at the top of your lungs, and not caring that you're really freezing your ass off because it's way too cold to have all the windows down. It's being yourself for the first time, and not caring what other people think..and letting all your inhibitions fly out those open car windows and into the starry night.


Tuesday, September 16, 2008

1st Letter

September 16, 2008
Dear Friend,
I am writing this to you because I am so utterly confused about life. I thought I knew what I wanted, but now that I’m going to college and pursuing everything, I’m not so sure. The problem is that I’m a planner. I can’t just “go with the flow” of things, and as you know, I’m very impatient. I know that everyone says that college is when you “find yourself”, but I thought that I already knew who I was, and now that I’m realizing I don’t, that scares me. I think you of all people would understand that because you’re finding yourself just as much as I am. I just need to know that other people are just as confused as I am, because it sure doesn’t seem like it. I feel like I’m the only one who is gradually veering off this path, and soon I’m going to get so lost I’m not going to know what to do. And more than anything I hate regretting decisions I’ve made. I can never make up my mind, and when I finally do, I always wonder “what if?” So that’s how I’ve spent my week…wondering “what if?” What if I had gone to that other college? What if Tanner and I went to school together? Would we be having the problems we are having now? Am I better off without him? My mom sure thinks so. I know she wants what’s best for me, but I’m not quite ready to let go. The whole thing just really makes me sad, and I’m not a sad person. So this is my life. And I want you to know that I’m not always this depressed and cynical, but you’re the only one who’s been able to make me laugh and I’m missing you terribly. The reason I wrote this letter is because I don’t think I have anyone else to talk to.

Michelle Marie